The Challenge
The Chestnut Group is a nonprofit alliance of landscape artists and friends dedicated to the conservation and preservation of vanishing landscapes in Middle Tennessee. 2021 was marked to be a big year—the 20th Anniversary. We needed to create some excitement and energy to grow our membership and add to our dwindling operational funds in order to continue our mission.
Kinda a big deal.
The Chestnut Group had been going strong for 20 years, but the pandemic had taken a toll on our events and activities. In order to commemorate this milestone and build excitement among members, we kicked off the year by unveiling a special 20th anniversary logo.
Inspired by the original logo, new versions were created to be used during 2021 with an additional version designed to be used in the years following.

Original logo

Anniversary logo

21 years and beyond
But we were just getting started.
This new logo was soon followed by the announcement of Painting to Preserve—ART SHOW & SALE, an event to celebrate the 20 years of painting to preserve the natural and historic landscapes of Middle Tennessee.

To market, to market, . . . now let’s make sure people show up!

The big event.